When Your Spouse Is Having A Love Affair And What To Do

This 2-part series is focused on understanding and decreasing stress in our lives. There may be ways to help minimize the symptoms of withdrawal and help a person feel better as they go through the process of reducing or stopping their medication. Many people become frightened that the brain zap is an indication of a major medical or mental health problem.

In March 2004 the FDA proposed that the makers of all antidepressant medications update the existing black box warning on their products' to include warnings about increased risks of suicidal thinking and behavior, known as suicidality, in young adults.

There is no cure for brain zaps, and they usually go away over time. Across the internet, many people have reported a connection between brain zaps and Zoloft withdrawal. Even if you are not feeling the peak effects, you are still experiencing an impact on the drug.

Additional studies later suggested antidepressants could treat depression in some patients through long-term or open-ended use, sometimes referred to as "maintenance therapy"—but , according to the Times mental health few of those studies lasted more than two years.

Brain zaps caused by anxiety, stress or medication can feel like a sudden buzz, shake, shiver, tremor, or electrical shock feeling in the head. Talk to your doctor about taking Benadryl to reduce brain zaps. If you are consuming a lot of caffeinated coffee and experiencing stress, that combination can cause brain zaps.

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